Week 1-5

History and development of CST, Principles of CST application, Self preparation before the treatment, Blending, Craniosacral Rhythm assessment, Stillpoint technique and Diaphragm technique
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Week 6-10

Dural tube techniques and Fascial Glide technique
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Week 11-15

Frontal Bone, Parietal Bones, Sphenoid Bone and Temporal Bone techniques
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Week 16-19

Mandible technique, technique protocols and individual tutorial
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The 19 weeks course is designed in a linear progressive flow in which most of the cranial techniques are included. Every new technique is introduced based on the previous technique taught. Students can apply the skills right after the course.

Craniosacral Therapy Level 2 Intermediate Course

Craniosacral Therapy Certificate Course-Level 2 Intermediate Course is designed to teach the advanced cranial and facial techniques based on Dr. William Garner Sutherland work, the necessary concepts and skills prepared for a more advanced work and the whole body technique.

We will progressively teach all the intermediate Craniosacral Therapy techniques in a relaxing and joyful atmosphere aiming to enhance students' knowledge and skills.

The is a course lasting for 19 weeks, each lesson lasts for 3 hours, every lesson includes lecture, demonstration and guided practice.

In this 57 hours course, you will learn a lot of Craniosacral Therapy intermediate level skills and knowledge.

Week 1-5

Revisit Level 1 key techniques, Advanced Sphenoid Technique, Maxilla Technique, Vomer Technique
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Week 5-10

Palatine Technique, Zygomatic Bone Technique, Nasal Bone Technique and technique protocols
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Week 11-15

Arcing and Local Unwinding
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Week 16-19

Global Unwinding and individual tutorial
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Level 2 Intermediate Course aims at advancing the techniques towards the next level, preparing students for more advanced study and consolidating the previous learned techniques.

Week 1-5

Revisit Global Unwinding, Advanced Hyoid techniques, Therapeutic Dialogue principles, Imago Relationship Therapy and Triune Brain Theory
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Week 6-10

NeuroLinguistic Programming, Resistance management, Non-verbal dialogue and Bridging Dialogue technique
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Week 11-15

Chakras and Chinese Medicine Meridian theory application, Unfinished biological processes
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Week 16-19

Gestalt Therapy and complete techniques flow
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Level 3 course is combining manual techniques and psychological techniques, expanding the work into psychological aspect, which is some serious CST techniques.


week 1-10

Treatment principle in Peatrics, fetal development and related diseases, birth process and related problems
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Week 10-19

Children development and related diseases
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Level 4 course is a professional course, established on all the fundamentals of CST and previous levels. It focused on the Pediatrics aspects as well as its carrying effects in adulthood health. It is one of the most advanced and serious work in CST.